Spray alcohol mercadona precio

ethanol spray 70

If we are going to have to live with the masks for a period of time, it is essential to find a system with which they can be disinfected. Wearing a mask for 8 hours and throwing it away should not be the best option. Mercadona has launched a product that can be a good ally for disinfecting masks and gloves. It is a 70% perfumed alcohol spray.
Mercadona’s alcohol spray is a big hit, with sales of 50,000 units a day, proving that the product is meeting a long-awaited demand. The product is the result of a collaboration between specialist aerosol supplier Francisco Aragón and Mercadona’s innovation team. Available for the past month, the 70% alcohol spray is a simple way to disinfect fabrics and surfaces quickly and conveniently.
Disinfecting reusable masks is a complicated task; some people put them in the oven at 60º for an hour, others steam them for 30 minutes. Cloth masks have to be washed at temperatures above 60º, but wouldn’t it be great to spray them with an alcohol solution and let them dry for a few seconds?

price alcohol spray mercadona

Mercadona has developed an innovative perfumed alcohol spray of which it already sells 50,000 units a day. The 70% Alcohol Perfumed Spray is the result of co-innovation between the customer and the supplier Francisco Aragón, after more than 20 sessions with 30 customers to develop a product that meets their needs: a practical and agile solution for deep cleaning and for dealing with the difficult situation they are currently experiencing. The main characteristic of this spray, available throughout the chain since the beginning of May, is that it cleans practically any surface without the need to rinse and leaves a pleasant smell. Francisco Sánchez, Francisco Aragón’s Director of Institutional Relations, says that this product «arose from the contributions of numerous Mercadona customers with whom we have developed it directly. The sales success it is having is thanks to its user experience, its high cleaning power and how easy it is to apply. Being able to develop it in Mercadona’s co-innovation center has allowed us to innovate from the customer and with the customer».

70 of alcohol mercadona

If we are going to have to live with the masks for a while it is essential to find a system with which they can be disinfected. Wearing a mask for 8 hours and throwing it away should not be the best option. Mercadona has launched a product that can be a good ally for disinfecting masks and gloves. It is a 70% perfumed alcohol spray.
Mercadona’s alcohol spray is a big hit, with sales of 50,000 units a day, proving that the product is meeting a long-awaited demand. The product is the result of a collaboration between specialist aerosol supplier Francisco Aragón and Mercadona’s innovation team. Available for the past month, the 70% alcohol spray is a simple way to disinfect fabrics and surfaces quickly and conveniently.
Disinfecting reusable masks is a complicated task; some people put them in the oven at 60º for an hour, others steam them for 30 minutes. Cloth masks have to be washed at temperatures above 60º, but wouldn’t it be great to spray them with an alcohol solution and let them dry for a few seconds?

mercadona alcohol spray

With the arrival of the health crisis, users have begun to demand new disinfectant products to thoroughly clean their homes. Mercadona has responded to these needs by launching a new item on the market, 70% Alcohol Perfumed Spray Bosque Verde, the supermarket chain’s private label for cleaning products.
The company that manufactures Mercadona’s perfumed alcohol spray is Francisco Aragón, the Valencian chain’s totaler supplier, which specializes in aerosols. According to this supplier, the product has been developed thanks to customer input.
If you are planning to go shopping in the next few days, keep in mind that from Monday Mercadona has new opening hours: the closing time is extended and you will be able to go until 21:00 hours.

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