Los molinos madrid

The mills, benitachell

With the beginning of the construction of the Monastery of El Escorial, the «industrialization» of the area began and the consequent need for raw materials, including flour. Thus, in the section of the Guadarrama River now within the municipality, at least three flour mills were built to grind various cereals. Hence the name of the place, since the people began to refer to this area as «the mills».
During the civil war, its geographical location made this village a war front, as it was a natural passage of the port of Guadarrama and the Fuenfria of the rebel troops under the command of Francisco Franco. From that time there are several Republican forts in a very good state of preservation.
The municipality has a kindergarten and primary school, CEIP Divino Maestro,[6] and two kindergartens (one of them private). Since it does not have a high school, most of the students who finish primary school are sent to the high schools of Guadarrama or Cercedilla. It also has a sports center.

Los molinos costa teguise

ATENCIÓN: El Retiro y otros ocho parques de la ciudad (El Capricho, los Jardines de Sabatini, la Rosaleda del Parque del Oeste, Juan Carlos I, Juan Pablo II, la Quinta de Fuente del Berro, la Quinta de los Molinos y la Quinta Torre Arias) pueden cerrar si las condiciones meteorológicas son adversas. En estas ocasiones también se aconseja no visitar la Dehesa de la Villa y el Parque del Oeste, que no tienen puertas y no pueden cerrarse al público.
En el este de la ciudad, no muy lejos del nuevo estadio del Atlético de Madrid, se encuentra este parque poco conocido. Alberga todo tipo de árboles, como olivos, pinos y eucaliptos, aunque es conocido principalmente por sus maravillosos almendros que florecen en febrero y marzo.
El parque está dividido en zonas claramente diferenciadas: la zona norte, de estilo paisajístico romántico, y la zona agrícola del sur.  Todo su perímetro está cerrado y cuenta con cuatro puertas de acceso que dan a la calle Alcalá al sur, a la calle Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena al norte, a la avenida 25 de Septiembre al este y a la calle Miami al oeste.


Home » Municipalities » Los Molinos The municipality of Los Molinos is located about 55 km north of the city of Madrid, in the northern area of the Autonomous Community, at the foot of the Sierra de Guadarrama, near the border with the Castilian-Leonese province of Segovia. It is located within the tourist area of Madrid of the Sierra de Guadarrama-Alto Manzanares.It has a lot of routes for hiking along some privileged places.The most remarkable monuments of the municipality of Los Molinos are:- The church of the Immaculate Conception. It has a refined Herrerian style, as befits the area, and exhibits a magnificent baroque altar.- The sanctuary of the Virgen del Espino. Recommendations What to do in Los Molinos

Navacerradamunicipality in spain

Until October 30 / Julio Escobar House Museum. Los Molinos. Exhibition of oil and watercolors with themes of nature, fauna and landscapes of the Sierra de Guadarrama. Hours: Wednesday from 16h. to 20h. Thursday and Friday from 11h. to 14h. and from 16 to 20h. Saturday from… read more
Friday October 1 / Alpedrete / Becerril de la Sierra / Cerceda / Collado Villalba / Los Molinos / Manzanares El Real / Moralzaral / Soto del Real.         Alpedrete Exhibition «Alpedrete is alive» From September 27 to October 9 / Alpedrete is alive… read more
From July 3 to August 29 / Alpedrete / Cercedilla / Collado Mediano / Guadarrama / Los Molinos / Mataelpino / Moralzarzal / Navacerrada.    «The Affections» is the title chosen by Daniel del Pino, programmer of the XXXVIII Sierra Musical Festival (2021), a festival… read more
From June 25 to September 18 / Becerril de la Sierra / Cercedilla / Collado Mediano / Collado Villalba / El Boalo, Cerceda and Mataelpino / Guadalix de la Sierra / Los Molinos / Manzanares El Real / Moralzarzal / Navacerrada / Soto del Real.    … read more

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