Disk cleanup windows 7

Disk cleanup windows 7 en línea

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How to reclaim space and clean up hard drives, delete and remove unnecessary files using Space Cleanup. Basic and elementary options to regularly clean Windows from temporary files and all kinds of computer junk.
Thumbnails. It is a kind of index that is automatically created every time a folder containing images is opened and the thumbnail view is selected. This allows the thumbnails to be generated quickly when the folder is accessed again.
Temporary Internet files. Deletes web pages and files downloaded by the Internet Explorer browser that can be used to view again the pages you browsed, but this time offline.
ChkDsk files. Files generated when doing a check of a hard disk or also a USB flash storage device. It is recommended in case of flash drives storing data, to check inside these files before deleting them completely. These files have a format similar to the following: FOUND.006, FOUND.007, etc.

reduce disk space windows 7

While it is true, Windows is an operating system with great trajectory and recognition worldwide. Taking into account that its versions 7, 8 and 10 are now the most used. But, in this case, we will focus specifically on Windows 7.
Thus, it is valuable to highlight the importance of having a totally clean hard disk. This is one of the most critical components and one that can present more failures. Therefore, it is good to optimize it and to clean it in an adequate way every certain time, in a compulsory way.
Bearing in mind that it is also where personal data and installed programs are stored, so it is vital to keep it in good condition. Especially when the PC starts to work very slowly. For this reason, in this post, we want to tell you how important it is to perform this action and the methods you can use.
Before specifying the steps to follow to clean your hard disk of documents that are classified as unnecessary, to make it work quickly, it is important to know the importance of this action.

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Windows is an operating system with a long history and worldwide recognition, since its most used versions are 7, 8 and 10; in this case, however, we will focus on Windows 7. It is worth emphasizing the importance of having an optimal hard disk so we will tell you how to free hard disk space with Windows 7.
Since the hard disk is one of the most important components, it can also cause most of the failures. So it is a good idea to optimize and clean it properly from time to time.
By default, the Windows dynamic is to regularly create temporary files that are then deleted. In this way, it constantly creates copies of files that are stored on the hard drive and gradually accumulate. This is known as computer junk.
However, if you clean your hard drive well, you will free up more space on it, therefore, it is necessary to use tools and procedures that allow easy access to the really necessary content of the disks.

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