El tiempo y mas por maneli


It is normal that someone who makes a forecast so many days ahead can fail and for the record that no one has been wrong yet, because there are still days left for Monday/Tuesday and things can change a lot.
They are much more accurate than those on TV, who say what they see. This saturday aemet and forecast said snowfall, and now it is sunny, because in stormy weather it is almost impossible to predict. And I say that, overall, maneli and joseba nail it.
I certainly pay more attention to you than to the TV weather, as I said yesterday in another post, AEMET, has said that it will be a warm winter, that’s why I was super happy, because then it is the opposite.
On Monday comes from the south an Atlantic squall and momentarily changes the scenario to something warmer …but with more precipitation …and heights o.k to snow in formigal…I am almost sure that at all elevations but I will be reserved…of course not at all elevation 2500 as some have said elsewhere

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Symbols and precipitation apply to the interval between the times indicated, the wind and temperature forecast in Huelva is for the first hour indicated.Met Norway data, under Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0 and Creative Commons 4.0 BY International license.
* The sensation temperature is calculated with the apparent temperature formula, based on a mathematical model of an adult, walking outdoors, in the shade (Steadman 1994). Unlike other indices, wind, humidity and temperature values are used throughout the thermometric range.

storm chasers

We are in a few months in which we will see these most important moments where the weather will change. June 11. The weather will become cold and stormy. June 25-26 around the full moon the weather will become stormy again. During the month of July there are no other points as important as these. In August: Day 6 August. Day close to the new moon. The weather may become wintry. No other dates can be highlighted until November 6 when interesting things may be seen.
For the remainder of May. We should expect precipitation around the 20th for the north and northeast of the peninsula with stormy weather for the remaining days throughout the center and especially in the east and southeast. JUNE Stormy month The first ten days will be hot and with little precipitation. Around the 10th it will be stormy and rainy almost in general. Again from the 25th onwards it will be stormy and rainy again almost generally. From the 1st to the 10th it will be hot and stormy. It will be stormy throughout the interior and also throughout the northern half. Hot weather. Around the 10th-11th very stormy and rainy throughout the northern half, somewhat less rainy and stormy in the south. The stormy trend will return in the interior in the following days. As we approach the 20th, stormy weather in the interior, east and southeastern areas. Around the 20th very stormy weather throughout the northern half and less so in the south. Towards the 25th-26th thunderstorms and very cold weather.


The trail starts in the vicinity of a parking area located next to the A-494 road and runs along its entire length on a wooden platform. The first 300 meters are of ascent, on the back of the sands until reaching its highest point.
Sabinas, linaras, junipers, jaguarzos and camarinas color the sandy mantle of Asperillo. The flora of this ecosystem is the sustenance of the dunes themselves, while providing food and shelter to an elusive fauna that survives under conditions of relentless heat, permanent instability and salt-watered sea wind.
In addition, the burned wood now serves as pits and resting and nesting places for birds, or is used to build barricades and fences, which slow the advance of the sands. Life and death go hand in hand in these dunes to continue at the mercy of the wind, the sea, the sand and the weather.

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