Ruscus llorens o anso
Anso rectal ointment contains ketostearyl alcohol, polyoxyethylene castor oil, butylated hydroxyanisole (E320), sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E215), sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E219) and propylene glycol.
This medicine may cause local skin reactions (such as contact dermatitis) because it contains ketostearyl alcohol and butylated hydroxyanisole (E320), and may also cause irritation of the eyes and mucous membranes because it contains butylated hydroxyanisole (E320).
With excessive application of lidocaine or with occlusive dressing or on irritated skin or wound, it can be absorbed and reactions such as irregular heartbeat, convulsions, respiratory difficulty could appear.
In case of overdose or accidental ingestion, immediately consult your doctor or pharmacist or call the Toxicological Information Service, Telephone 915 62 04 20, or go to a medical center indicating the medicine and the quantity ingested.
Hypersensitivity, especially to lidocaine, with allergic reaction or anaphylactic reactions that could produce swelling under the skin, respiratory difficulty due to narrowing of the bronchi, skin inflammation, involuntary contraction of the larynx, hives, itching and shock.
best hemorrhoid cream
There are many, each one will do well, the important thing is that it has a little corticosteroid: Hemorrane (it is the one I usually send, but it does not mean it is the best). Hemoal, Synalar, Anso, Ruscus, etc..;
You can withdraw your consent at any time for future occasions. You also have the right to update your data, request the right to be forgotten and prevent the processing and transfer of your data. You can also exercise your rights before a competent authority if you consider it necessary.
cortisone hemorrhoids
There are certain sports that can favor the formation of hemorrhoids. To alleviate symptoms, topical ointments are recommended, but it is not always easy to find a solution that is compatible with competition.
– Sports such as cycling, motorcycling, rowing or horseback riding, can favor the presence of hemorrhoids. This is due to the number of hours in which the person who performs it is sitting and performing muscular movements in the pelvic area. Also due to the constant friction with the inflamed area.
A quick and easy way to improve the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids is by applying topical ointments to the area to be treated. But the use of corticosteroid ointments can be inconvenient for professional athletes undergoing anti-doping tests.
The vast majority of these antihemorrhoidal ointments include corticosteroids in their composition4,7 and can give rise to a positive result in doping control tests4,7. In addition, corticosteroid creams can cause skin atrophy when used for a prolonged period of time8 , preventing the healing and regeneration of your lesions, which can be annoying.
anso cream
Hi, I am suffering right now from a terrible hemorrhoid and they gave me anso as an ointment, before pregnancy I used ruscus and it was great. But I called the site and they told me that it is contraindicated in pregnancy.
On Saturday I woke up feeling great and I was very excited. Bad. After the nap I went from bad to worse. Sunday I threw up 3 times and I am still on cariban. I talked to my parents and my father told me «but why are you so bad if you have no voice of being bad?» And my mother «because the poor thing has already assumed it».
The good news is that the curve came out very well and that in the afternoon we had the ultrasound of the first trimester by the private and they gave us better values than in the previous one that were already very good. The baby was moving his hands and feet all the time.
I used ruscus llorens as a rectal ointment. And what saved my life were some sideburns called Daflon. In a week I was very recovered, I took two a day. As the box was 30 I took it for a couple of weeks and it was really good. I had a very bad time and it really works. The two things are compatible with breastfeeding, I looked it up in e-lactation.

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