Dosis apiretal 11 kilos

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To open, press on the two triangles and unscrew the cap by turning it to the left (counterclockwise). Extract the required amount with the dropper cap. Administer directly or dilute the drops with water.
Caution is recommended in asthmatic patients sensitive to acetylsalicylic acid, because slight bronchospastic reactions with paracetamol (cross-reaction) have been described in these patients, although they only occurred in 5% of those tested.
Paracetamol is intensely metabolized in the liver, so it can interact with other drugs that use the same metabolic pathways or are capable of acting, inhibiting or inducing such pathways. Some of its metabolites are hepatotoxic, so that co-administration with potent enzyme inducers (rifampicin, certain anticonvulsants, etc.) can lead to hepatotoxicity reactions, especially when high doses of paracetamol are used.

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How many times have you seen yourself with the Apiretal package insert looking and looking at what dose of Apiretal to give your baby depending on his age and weight. I think it happens to me on a regular basis. I forget which dose of Apiretal to give to my children, and I start looking and looking for the package insert, and then reading it in its entirety.
Apiretal is used to relieve fever and pain. That is why it is often recommended when our children have a cold with a fever, when they have had a bad bump, or even when they are teething and it hurts.
My children have rarely taken Dalsy (children’s ibuprofen). In fact we don’t have it at home and I don’t even know the dosage. But we always have Apiretal at home, in our travel kits, and it is a godsend. Especially when they have a fever, Apiretal works right away, but if it is more serious, the fever appears again right away, and we always go to the pediatrician. When they have a lot of mucus from colds and have congestion, before going to sleep we wash their noses with a nasal aspirator, even if necessary, and we give them apiretal to help them get through the night better.

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In particular, if you are using medicines containing in their composition any of the following active ingredients, as it may be necessary to modify the dose or discontinue treatment of any of them:
If you are having any analytical tests (including blood tests, urine tests, skin tests using allergens, etc.) tell the doctor that you are taking this medicine, as it may alter the results of such tests.
If necessary, Apiretal can be used during pregnancy. You should use the lowest possible dose that reduces pain or fever and use it for the shortest possible time. Contact your doctor or midwife if the pain or fever does not decrease or if you need to take the medicine more often.
Follow exactly the instructions for taking the medicine contained in this leaflet or those given by your doctor or pharmacist. If in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist again.
To open, press on the two triangles and unscrew the cap by turning it to the left (counterclockwise). Extract the required amount with the dropper cap. Administer directly or dilute the drops with water.

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Below you will find the solution to all your questions about this medicine and if you do not find it you know that you can leave a comment or contact us privately and we will answer you as soon as possible.
You only have to leave it in its original packaging and inside the box, where it is very important to note the date on which you opened it because from this moment you can only use it for 6 months.
There is an antidote for paracetamol poisoning, however the treatment is most effective within 4 hours after ingestion. The antidote loses effectiveness 8 hours after the poisoning.
You can administer the forgotten dose and then continue with the dosage you had scheduled (give the next dose at 6 or 8 hours for example), or if there is little time left for the next dose and you want to keep the administration schedule, you can wait.
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