Propaganda electoral de vox
vox parliamentary group
The state company has answered before the accusations of the formation of «kidnapping» the electoral propaganda that its action has consisted in raising a consultation to the Central Electoral Board so that it indicates the criterion of action before the sending of this electoral material.
Santiago Abascal’s party asks the Electoral Board to order «the massive sending» of the material for the autonomic electionsThe political formation led by Santiago Abascal presented on Monday afternoon allegations before the Central Electoral Board for this action of Correos and requested to file the complaint filed by Correos and to order «urgently the massive sending of the electoral propaganda» because they understand that the measure adopted by the State Company is «absolutely disproportionate».
Vox affirms that the envelopes sent «cannot suppose any damage of fundamental right, since all of them have been extracted from publications that offered the data based on reliable sources, without any person having taken any action against the media that published them».
vox spain polls
Correos has assured, before the complaints of Vox that it has «kidnapped» the electoral propaganda, that its action has consisted of raising a consultation to the Central Electoral Board (JEC) so that this one indicates the criterion of action with the mentioned propaganda for the autonomic elections of the Basque Country and Galicia of July 12.
The political formation led by Santiago Abascal presented on Monday afternoon allegations before the JEC for this action of the Post Office for understanding that they have «kidnapped» the electoral propaganda. Vox has requested to file the complaint presented by Correos and to order «urgently the massive shipment of the electoral propaganda» because it understands that the measure adopted by the State Society is «absolutely disproportionate».
However, the political formation explains to the Electoral Board that the envelopes sent «cannot suppose any damage of fundamental right, since all of them have been extracted from publications that offered the data based on reliable sources, without any person has taken any action against the media that published them».
vox outside
In one of the posters, Vox assures that «un mena», would be receiving or supposes an expense – it is not specified in a clearly interested way – for the State of 4,700 euros per month, and counterposes in second term that «your grandmother» receives 426 euros of pension per month. The propaganda, besides being incorrect, is deliberately false.
The reduced figure to which Vox appeals, those 426 euros per month, only correspond to one type of benefit, that of the long-term unemployed with family responsibilities who have exhausted all benefits and subsidies and are actively seeking employment.
vox spain
The state-owned company had paralyzed the mailing of the propaganda on the grounds that the messages contained on the outside of the envelopes violated fundamental rights. The stationery produced by Vox included phrases such as the following: «Urkullu considers necessary the arrival of immigrants», «BNG separatists invited a terrorist group to their rally in Santiago», «rapes increase 37% in Basque Country». The Electoral Board considers that there is no reason for this material to end up in the mailboxes of Galicians and Basques.

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