Pablo iglesias turrión manuel iglesias montero

Pablo iglesias esposa

Pablo Iglesias Turrión (pronunciación en español: [ˈpaβlo iˈɣlesjas tuˈrjon]; nacido el 17 de octubre de 1978) es un politólogo y ex político español que fue vicepresidente segundo del Gobierno y ministro de Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030 del Gobierno de España entre 2020 y 2021. Fue secretario general de Podemos desde 2014 hasta 2021, organización que ayudó a fundar.
Antes, fue profesor de Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y presentador de televisión. Fue elegido diputado al Parlamento Europeo en las elecciones de 2014 como principal candidato del recién creado Podemos. El 15 de marzo anunció que dejaría el gobierno para presentarse en la lista de Unidos Podemos a las elecciones autonómicas madrileñas de 2021,[1][2] dejando la política poco después de los malos resultados de Unidos Podemos en las urnas[3].
Pablo Manuel Iglesias Turrión nació el 17 de octubre de 1978 en Madrid,[4][n. 1] hijo de Luisa Turrión, abogada del sindicato CCOO (e hija del histórico militante del PSOE Manuel Turrión de Eusebio),[6] y de Javier Iglesias, inspector de trabajo y profesor de historia jubilado, y, según Iglesias, ex miembro del Frente Patriótico Revolucionario Antifascista. [7][n. 2] Iglesias recibió el nombre de Pablo en honor a Pablo Iglesias, líder del movimiento obrero que fundó el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) en 1879[9].

Pablo iglesias madrid

He resigned as Minister and Vice-President of the Government to become a candidate for President of the Community of Madrid. On the same day of the elections to the Madrid Assembly of 2021, he announced that he was leaving the political front line due to his results.[8] In 2008 he obtained a PhD, also from the Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis on post-Madrid collective action.
In 2008 he obtained his PhD, also at the Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis on postnational collective action directed by Heriberto Cairo Carou with a grade of outstanding cum laude,[21][10] as well as the diploma of advanced studies in Political Science and Administration and the teaching certificate, with a grade of outstanding.[23] He also obtained a master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, with a grade of outstanding.[24] In addition, he obtained a master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, with a grade of outstanding.
In addition, she completed a Master’s degree in Humanities (2010) from the Carlos III University with a thesis on political analysis of cinema, and a Master of Arts in Communication (2011), a degree from the European Graduate School (Switzerland), where she took courses in media philosophy and studied political theory, cinema and psychoanalysis.[29]
In 2010, he began directing and presenting La Tuerka on Tele K,[31][32] a political talk show produced by the production company Con Mano Izquierda.[33] Because of problems with the licenses of Tele K and Canal 33, both networks began to broadcast part of their programming jointly, and La Tuerka moved to Canal 33 to broadcast live, broadcasting its program on deferred by Tele K.[34] Pablo Iglesias in 2012, as a street-level interviewer for La Tuerka.

Pablo iglesias news

He resigned as minister and vice-president of the Government to become a candidate for president of the Community of Madrid. On the same day of the elections to the Madrid Assembly of 2021, he announced that he was leaving the political front line due to his results.[8] In 2008 he obtained a PhD, also from the Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis on post-national collective action.
In 2008 he obtained his PhD, also at the Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis on postnational collective action directed by Heriberto Cairo Carou with a grade of outstanding cum laude,[21][10] as well as the diploma of advanced studies in Political Science and Administration and the teaching certificate, with a grade of outstanding.[23] He also obtained a master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, with a grade of outstanding.[24] In addition, he obtained a master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences, with a grade of outstanding.
In addition, she completed a Master’s degree in Humanities (2010) from the Carlos III University with a thesis on political analysis of cinema, and a Master of Arts in Communication (2011), a degree from the European Graduate School (Switzerland), where she took courses in media philosophy and studied political theory, cinema and psychoanalysis.[29]
In 2010, he began directing and presenting La Tuerka on Tele K,[31][32] a political talk show produced by the production company Con Mano Izquierda.[33] Because of problems with the licenses of Tele K and Canal 33, both networks began to broadcast part of their programming jointly, and La Tuerka moved to Canal 33 to broadcast live, broadcasting its program on deferred by Tele K.[34] Pablo Iglesias in 2012, as a street-level interviewer for La Tuerka.

Pablo iglesias twitter

It has been 50 days (51, this Thursday) since Pablo Iglesias left the world of politics on May 4, after his debacle in the elections to the Community of Madrid. During all this time, everything surrounding the former leader of Podemos is a mystery. The only thing known about him is that he took off his ponytail, his great sign of identity.
This radical change of look does not convince Irene Montero, who would no longer see the father of her three children as attractive. This is what an official of the Ministry of Equality, very close to the minister, told Informalia: «The boss liked her boyfriend with a ponytail better than without it. Now she says she has lost a sign of identity».
Others believe that the ex-politician is in an unsuspected destiny, examining his conscience after his professional failure. They even say that his neighbors in La Navata are grateful for his absence. And those of the exclusive urbanization of Valdelagua fear that he will become a new neighbor. Apparently, he has been seen there looking for a house.
On the other hand, his incursion into the media is sounding strong. The ex-vice-president of the Government himself confessed in La Sexta that he could dedicate himself to «critical journalism with more rigor than some» a few days before his political abandonment. Other media directly linked him to Jaume Roures, owner of the production company Mediapro and a good friend of his. Vozpopuli published that they are outlining an audiovisual program of investigation and social content, which could be broadcasted on television and Internet. They claim that the producer wants to turn it into «a new Jordi Évole».

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