La cañada real madrid


Alrededor de 7.300 personas llaman hogar a este asentamiento de 16 kilómetros, un tercio de ellas niños. Diecisiete nacionalidades conviven en un ecléctico compendio de casas autoconstruidas. Algunas casas tienen varios pisos, y otras son como un pintoresco bungalow andaluz. Otros edificios parecen inacabados y están salpicados de antenas parabólicas que apuntan al sur, hacia el ecuador.
El SECTOR 3 es como los Sectores 1 y 2, pero con focos de pobreza; bonitas casas intercaladas con pequeños núcleos de viviendas chabolistas. El sector 3 está destinado a la demolición total, y los vecinos protestan para quedarse.
El SECTOR 5 se extiende a lo largo del pueblo de Rivas, y la mayoría de los residentes son marroquíes y llevan trajes tradicionales. Los ayuntamientos aún no han decidido qué hacer con el Sector 5; existe el riesgo de que sea demolido, al igual que el Sector 3, especialmente ahora que Madrid tiene un alcalde de derechas.
Abajo hay una foto de la iglesia de Santa Domingo, que vive en el corazón de la peor parte del Sector 6. Recientemente sufrió un aparente incendio provocado, y los consumidores de drogas viven a su alrededor en tiendas de campaña y chabolas improvisadas.

cañada real news

Within the Executive Committee, and in order to facilitate the participation and coordination of the different Administrations and entities involved, the following Working Committees will carry out their functions:
The improvement in transit is already favoring the mobility of neighbors and their connection to the city. It will also enable the provision of various services, such as school routes, health and emergency services, or the postal service, currently interrupted at various points due to the poor condition of the road surface.
This is another of the measures included in the Regional Pact to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, the execution of which has been made possible thanks to the asphalting and road surfacing works.
After several meetings with the neighborhood associations, and the work of the Madrid and Rivas Vaciamdrid City Councils in the identification and numbering of the plots and houses, the regional Commissioner purchased and delivered the identification plaques to the neighbors.


The distorted image of this area does nothing to improve the quality of life of those who live here, quite the contrary,» he explains. It is a very complex but also enriching reality, because five different cultures live together in perfect harmony, something that does not happen in many places in the world. That’s why we decided that the neighbors themselves should tell the story of their neighborhood through sound fictions geolocated on a virtual map on the CDN website. Listeners can listen to it from home or walking along the street that crosses this area, located twenty minutes from the center of Madrid and that, however, for many remains the great unknown». The neighborhoods of Vite (Santiago de Compostela) and Poblenou (Barcelona) have been chosen to carry out this same proposal of recovery of urban memory through a tour of a periphery that sound and participatory theater brings to center stage.

cañada real españa

Within the Executive Committee, and in order to facilitate the participation and coordination of the different Administrations and entities involved, the following Working Committees will carry out their functions:
The improvement in transit is already favoring the mobility of neighbors and their connection to the city. It will also enable the provision of various services, such as school routes, health and emergency services, or the postal service, currently interrupted at various points due to the poor condition of the road surface.
This is another of the measures included in the Regional Pact to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, the execution of which has been made possible thanks to the asphalting and road surfacing works.
After several meetings with the neighborhood associations, and the work of the Madrid and Rivas Vaciamdrid City Councils in the identification and numbering of the plots and houses, the regional Commissioner purchased and delivered the identification plaques to the neighbors.

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