José manuel maza fiscal

Civic platform for judicial independence

Maza’s philias and phobiasHis fight against the independence challenge affected him personally. Couple of a Catalan woman, they had to desist from attending family gatherings in Catalonia, such as the wedding of a person close to them. The staff in charge of his security advised him against such social events to avoid tense situations.
He liked to go out, drink his beers, go to the Atlético de Madrid stadium and travel, especially to South America. Although since he took office as attorney general, his movements had been restricted and his free time considerably reduced. He also had his confrontations and clashes with those who consider that José Manuel Maza arrived at the Prosecutor’s Office to cut the independence of the prosecutors and to control the most uncomfortable investigations for the Government.
In the collective memory had not yet forgotten the reasons why Eduardo Torres Dulce resigned as attorney general due to disagreements by the Government on account of the Catalan consultation on November 9, 2014. He was going to have to assume pressures, face them or take them on, but he chose to accept the challenge, which he has not been able to conclude.

The attorney general of the state, jose manuel maza, dies.

He was divorced and had a son.[4] On November 17, 2017, he was admitted to the Bazterrica Clinic in Buenos Aires due to pain. He died the following day, as a result of a kidney infection complicated by the diabetes he suffered from.
In 2007, he spoke out against the Botín doctrine that allowed the case against the former president of Banco Santander, the late Emilio Botín, to be archived. He also voted against the release of ETA prisoner Ignacio Pujana, for the annulment of the Parot doctrine.
In 2012 he presented a dissenting opinion defending the disqualification of Judge Baltasar Garzón for opening a case investigating the crimes of Francoism: «It would really be an insult to reason to assert the ignorance of such essential issues by a professional as the accused judge, and, in any case, such a statement, which in no way I subscribe to, should be

H.m. the king receives in audience the attorney general of the state.

He graduated in Law and History from the Complutense University of Madrid and obtained a Diploma in Criminology from the same University and in Advanced Studies in Criminal Law from the European University of Madrid.
Among the positions he has held are those of Dean Judge of the District Courts of Madrid, elected Member of the Governing Chamber of the High Court of Justice of Madrid, President of the First Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid, Judge of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Instalada la capilla ardiente de josé manuel maza

José Manuel Maza Martín (23 de octubre de 1951 – 18 de noviembre de 2017) fue un fiscal, juez, criminólogo y escritor español. Fue el fiscal general del Estado número 89 desde noviembre de 2016 hasta su fallecimiento el 18 de noviembre de 2017[1].
Estudió Derecho e Historia en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. También se diplomó en Criminología en la misma universidad. Ingresó en la carrera judicial en 1975 y en la carrera fiscal en 1978, donde fue el primero de su promoción. Trabajó durante unos años como abogado y como asesor de la Red Nacional de Ferrocarriles. Durante un corto periodo de tiempo, Maza trabajó como abogado, llevando casos para la empresa estatal Renfe[2].
Durante los años 90, Maza fue portavoz de la Unión Judicial Independiente (UJI), una asociación conservadora de jueces. Durante esta época, Maza se convirtió en juez de distrito en Madrid tras haber trabajado en los juzgados de Alcorcón, Valencia y Cangas de Morrazo. Posteriormente fue nombrado presidente de la sala primera de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid y, en 2002, fue nombrado magistrado de la Sala de lo Penal del Tribunal Supremo en sustitución de Adolfo Prego, que fue nombrado vocal del CGPJ.

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