Colegio de caminos de madrid


On June 9, 2015, the then President of the Association and of the Fundación Caminos, Juan Antonio Santamera, formalized the donation to the Congress of Deputies of a sculpture of the President of the Government and Civil Engineer Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y Bustelo,[4] who was an honorary member of the Association.
On April 19, 2016, elections were held for the Governing Board and General Council.[9] Two candidacies were presented for the Governing Board. One presided by Miguel Ángel Carrillo, dean of the Madrid demarcation, and the other headed by Juan A. Santamera, former president of the association, who was reelected.
On July 15, 2020, new elections were held in the College, with three candidates opting for the presidency. Miguel Ángel Carrillo led the winning candidacy, while the other two were formed by Carmen Motellón and Arcadio Gil.
The College of Civil Engineers is a relevant entity that provides services of professional interest to its members. One of the main functions of the Association is to contribute to the continuous and specialized training of its members. The Association, through the Districts, has a wide and recognized training offer at all levels, from basic courses to Master’s degrees and in all modalities, on-site or online.[11] The Association has a wide and recognized training offer at all levels, from basic courses to Master’s degrees, in all modalities, on-site or online.


See ALL AWARDSVisits to works and infrastructuresThe Week of Civil Engineering in Madrid includes different visits to works and infrastructures. Some can be visited in person and others can be done at your own pace, from a mobile device or by travelling to the area and following the video explanations.Workshop «Create your own mosaics with the help of Mathematics» (School of Civil Engineering of the UPM)Visit to the ACCIONA Technology CenterVisit to the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium (Real Madrid)
See all visitsVisits at your own paceIn this edition of the Week of Civil Engineering in Madrid we have included a new type of visits so that you can do them at your own pace, from a mobile device or moving to the area and following the explanations of the video.Collector of the sewage network of MadridAtazar reservoir insideTour by bridges over the Manzanares to Madrid Rio

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The commitments of the adhesion are to share good practices to ensure the safety of women as users and employees, to give visibility to women employees in the sector in order to create references that make the field of transport attractive, to reduce the current employment gap, to facilitate research into the factors that directly affect it and to share talent for all those initiatives and advances that are achieved in the sector.
EMT maintains a policy of comprehensive support for women, present in the main lines of work of the Corporate Social Responsibility area. Recently, together with the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and Iberdrola, it has created the Chair «STEM Women Sustainability Mobility» whose objective is to promote women in STEM vocations (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and their professional incorporation into the transport and mobility sector.

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«I didn’t know at the time what could be done with Exactas because I think there is also a certain lack of knowledge in society about what is done in each profession». Always applied, she entered the career of ‘Teleco’ and of Caminos, and her instinct made her study the second one, a silent but essential profession for society.
«Without our work, society would not be able to move forward or maintain itself.  We deal with all issues related to water, road infrastructures, everything related to transportation, urban planning…», she recounts in a list that seems endless.
Lola fell in love with the profession so much that now, in addition to serving as general director of Mobility Planning and Infrastructures at the Madrid City Council, in 2018 she made history by becoming the first dean of the Madrid College of Engineers.
«When I finished my degree you only wanted to work and I said well, I’ll think about it later. In the end I listened to them and the truth is that I was very happy to do the opposition because in our profession there have been many ups and downs. Besides, working in the administration is beautiful, you have the ability to manage, to influence certain elements in which you are working, which is very nice».

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