Metamizol es un aine


The documents consulted(1-5) (including two evidence summaries(4,5)) on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) allergy include metamizole (dipyrone) within the pyrazolones, a class of NSAID drugs.
When assessing whether the active substance metamizole can be used in a patient with NSAID allergy, the specific characteristics of the patient’s allergy should be determined. The therapeutic information bulletin of the Catalan Health Service(6) deals with the management of hypersensitivity reactions to NSAIDs and states what to do in the case of a patient with a suspected hypersensitivity reaction to NSAIDs:
The answers to the questions formulated, are elaborated with an exclusively formative purpose. The intention is to contribute with information to enrich and update the process.

Metamizole dosage

Family Medicine – SEMERGEN seeks to identify questions about primary health care and the provision of high-quality patient- and/or community-centered care. We publish original research, methodologies and theories, as well as selected systematic reviews that build on current knowledge to advance new theories, methods or lines of research.
Medicina de Familia – SEMERGEN is a peer-reviewed journal that has adopted clear and rigorous ethical guidelines in its publication policy following the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee and seeks to identify and answer questions about primary health care and the provision of high quality patient- and community-centered care.


Datos farmacocinéticosDisponibilidad100% (metabolitos activos)[5]Unión a proteínas48-58% (metabolitos activos)[5]MetabolismoHígado[5]Vida media de eliminación14 minutos (compuesto principal; parenteral);[4] metabolitos: 2-4 horas[5]ExcreciónUrina (96%, IV; 85%, oral), heces (4%, IV)[4]Identificadores
Aunque en algunos países es de venta libre, en otros está prohibido por su potencial de efectos adversos, como la agranulocitosis[6][7] Un estudio realizado por uno de los fabricantes del fármaco determinó que el riesgo de agranulocitosis en la primera semana de tratamiento era de apenas 1,1 por millón, frente a 5,92 por millón del diclofenaco[8].
Se patentó en 1922[9] y se utilizó por primera vez en Alemania bajo la marca «Novalgin». Durante muchos años, estuvo disponible sin receta en la mayoría de los países, antes de su retirada debido a los graves efectos adversos[10]. El metamizol se comercializa con varios nombres comerciales[2][3].
Se desaconseja su uso durante el embarazo, aunque los estudios en animales son tranquilizadores, ya que muestran un riesgo mínimo de defectos de nacimiento. Se desaconseja su uso en ancianos y en personas con insuficiencia hepática o renal, pero si hay que tratar a estos grupos de personas, se suele aconsejar una dosis menor y precaución. Se desaconseja su uso durante la lactancia, ya que se excreta en la leche materna[4].

Allergy to acetaminophen

BACKGROUND: Metamizole is used to treat pain in many parts of the world. Information on the safety profile of metamizole is sparse; there is no conclusive summary of the literature.
RESULTS: Of the 696 potentially eligible trials, 79 trials involving nearly 4,000 patients with metamizole short-term use of less than 2 weeks met the inclusion criteria. Fewer adverse events were reported for metamizole compared with opioids, RR = 0.79 (confidence interval 0.79 to 0.96). No differences were found between metamizole and placebo, acetaminophen, and NSAIDs. Only a few GSDs were reported, with no differences between metamizole and other analgesics. No deaths or agranulocytosis were reported. Our results were limited by the overall mediocre quality of the reports.

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