Bullofas en los pies

Blisters on feet pictures

We offer you the service of a group of qualified professionals, pharmacists and technicians, who will guide you in any need you may have about Pharmacy and Parapharmacy products.
Farma feet Finger Blisters is indicated to provide ideal conditions to heal blisters quickly and relieve pain immediately. Protect the blister from chafing, dirt and germs.
Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, the dressing absorbs the liquid that exudes from the blister and regulates the degree of humidity, creating the ideal conditions for rapid healing. It remains attached for the time needed to heal the blister, which varies from person to person. Water resistant, it adapts to difficult areas.
APPLICATIONBefore use, clean and dry the area thoroughly.- Remove the white paper without touching the adhesive, holding it in the area of the arrows.- Apply on the blister and press avoiding wrinkles.- Remove the transparent film in the direction of the arrows and make sure that the edges of the dressing are well glued.- The dressing can remain stuck up to 7 days or until it exudes liquid.

Unexplained blisters on feet

We offer you the service of a group of qualified professionals, pharmacists and technicians, who will guide you in any need you may have about Pharmacy and Parapharmacy products.
Farma feet Finger Blisters is indicated to provide ideal conditions to heal blisters quickly and relieve pain immediately. Protect the blister from chafing, dirt and germs.
Thanks to hydrocolloid technology, the dressing absorbs the liquid that exudes from the blister and regulates the degree of humidity, creating the ideal conditions for rapid healing. It remains attached for the time needed to heal the blister, which varies from person to person. Water resistant, it adapts to difficult areas.
APPLICATIONBefore use, clean and dry the area thoroughly.- Remove the white paper without touching the adhesive, holding it in the area of the arrows.- Apply on the blister and press avoiding wrinkles.- Remove the transparent film in the direction of the arrows and make sure that the edges of the dressing are well glued.- The dressing can remain stuck up to 7 days or until it exudes liquid.

Tratamiento de las ampollas en los pies

Aunque a menudo pensamos en las ampollas en los pies, estas dolorosas irritaciones de la piel pueden producirse en cualquier parte del cuerpo en la que las partes del cuerpo se rozan o se rozan con la ropa. Para prevenir las rozaduras que pueden provocar ampollas, los dermatólogos recomiendan seguir estos consejos.
Aunque a menudo pensamos en las ampollas en los pies, estas dolorosas irritaciones de la piel pueden producirse en cualquier parte del cuerpo donde las partes del cuerpo se rozan o se rozan con la ropa. Afortunadamente, las ampollas pueden prevenirse evitando las rozaduras. Para detenerlas antes de que aparezcan, preste atención a su piel y tome precauciones si sabe que va a realizar muchas caminatas, carreras u otro tipo de actividad física.Para prevenir las rozaduras que pueden provocar ampollas, los dermatólogos recomiendan los siguientes consejos:Si le sale una ampolla, sea paciente y trate de dejarla en paz. La mayoría de las ampollas se curan solas en una o dos semanas. No reanude la actividad que le causó la ampolla hasta que se haya curado.Para tratar una ampolla, los dermatólogos recomiendan lo siguiente:Mientras se cura la ampolla, esté atento a los signos de una infección. Si nota enrojecimiento, pus o un aumento del dolor o la hinchazón, pida cita con su médico o con un dermatólogo certificado.

Small blisters on feet

One of the main conditions that we usually have when we start wearing new shoes are blisters, and we know that the pain they cause is quite strong, so in this post we give you a series of tips to cure blisters and products with which you can prevent them.
Are there shoes that you don’t wear for fear of chafing? Do the discomfort of your feet prevent you from living a normal life? The rubbing of the feet does not understand age, we all suffer from this ailment, often producing annoying blisters on the feet. Unfortunately, these problems prevent us from carrying out our daily activities in optimal conditions.
The main cause of blisters on the feet is the use of footwear that does not suit us, for example, shoes that are too narrow, or new shoes, and being very hard, they generate a lot of friction and discomfort. Socks, seams and wrinkles can also cause blisters.
The shape of our feet is also important, for example, if you have wide feet or a pronounced instep this can affect you to be more prone to chafing and blisters. But not only that, the way you walk also has an influence, as you may have a bad stride and some parts of your feet may suffer more than others.

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