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Precisely that support allowed him to make the leap from collaborator to present and so we saw him in front of Las Bodas de Sálvame, even taking the role of Jorge Javier Vázquez. In addition, the collaborator also signs a successful section in the well-known magazine ¡Qué me dices! in which he interviews the best known faces of our country. In addition, although Kiko never talks about his private life, different media point to the privileged economic situation of the collaborator thanks to his good investments.

tv5 sálvame

After the broadcast of the interview with Olga Moreno in which she responded to Rocio Carrasco, Mediaset programs have been dedicated to analyze the statements of the winner of ‘Supervivientes’. All except ‘Sálvame’, which yesterday reacted in the most forceful way: not devoting a minute of its five hours of program to talk about the testimony of the wife of Antonio David Flores.
It should be remembered that the docuseries that starred Carrasco was produced by La fábrica de la Tele (‘Sálvame’). Now that Rocío herself has her own section in the afternoon show, the program has chosen to silence Moreno.

telecinco programming

Dubbed by its members as «Golfo», Sálvame premiered weekly on Thursday, March 19, 2009, in late night after the first episode of Supervivientes on Telecinco.[9] The program, which obtained a 25.8% share and almost one million followers (976,000) in its premiere,[10] was born with the aim of commenting on the survival reality show in a humorous and lighthearted way, but soon, the live fights and fights displaced the formal content of the program.
On November 6, 2009, the humorist and actress Paz Padilla joined the program’s team to present the Friday programs, since Jorge Javier Vázquez was hosting the weekly program that same day.[19] Later, in May 2011, she was offered the Thursday hosting, since the main presenter was facing the edition of Supervivientes for the first time until the end of July.[20] On the other hand, on October 6, 2011, she joined the program’s team to present the Friday programs, since Jorge Javier Vázquez was hosting the weekly program that same day in the evening.[19] On October 6, 2011, she was offered the Thursday hosting, since the main presenter was facing the edition of Supervivientes for the first time until the end of July.
For her part, on October 28, 2010, María Teresa Campos joined the program as «audience advocate». In this section, she began to give a voice to the people who watched the program, who gave their opinion about the space, the collaborators or the topics they were dealing with.[30] In addition, the program’s audience was also given the opportunity to express their opinions.

telecinco live

The decision has been known thanks to the programming preview that all channels are obliged to do 72 hours in advance. There it has been verified that Sálvame Deluxe will disappear from the grid in favor of a new program called Viva el verano.
Deluxe had planned to stop during the month of August and broadcast rehashes of the best moments of the season. However, on the first Friday of August it was decided to maintain the live broadcast, despite the fact that many of its workers had organized vacations.
And although many Deluxe workers were called to interrupt their vacations, it seems that in the end they have opted for a temporary solution to face the rival channel. This will be the second time that Viva la vida will be broadcasted in prime time and replacing Sálvame Deluxe. The previous occasion was after the Filomena snowfall, which made it impossible to maintain the usual programming.

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