Teatro de la latina madrid

theater in madrid

Latin drama, considered classical along with Greek drama, has had, like the fine arts of these civilizations, a strong influence on European cultures over the centuries. Some Latin plays are still performed today. Others, now «classics», are based on earlier Roman plays, sometimes in turn inspired by Greek creations, and have thus contributed to the knowledge and expansion of the culture of ancient Greece. This is the case, for example, of Seneca’s Roman Phaedra, which directly inspired Jean Racine’s French Phaedra, despite the existence of a Greek Phaedra, that of Sophocles.[1] On the other hand, despite the fact that the Greek Phaedra is based on a Greek play, that of Sophocles.
On the other hand, although many people may have the impression that every fruit of Roman work is based on Greek culture, this is not necessarily the case in terms of dramaturgy, since some Greek tragedies were imitations of Roman ones, for example those of Lucius Actius.
Although highly appreciated in its day, no early Roman tragedy has survived. Historians recognize three early dramatists: Ennius, Pachuvius, and Lucius Accius. An important aspect of tragedy that differed from other genres was the introduction of choruses that were included in the action on stage during the performances of many tragedies.[3] The tragedy was also known to have been performed by a chorus.

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DescripciónInformaciónEl Teatro de la Latina es uno de los escenarios de comedia y crítica más importantes de la historia del teatro del siglo XX en Madrid. Situado en el barrio de La Latina, lleva el nombre de Beatriz Galindo, conocida como La Latina, una de las mujeres españolas más destacadas del siglo XV.
En 1962, La Latina fue ocupada por la empresa «Los verdaderos cómicos de Madrid», fundada por Juanito Navarro y Lina Morgan. En 1983, Lina Morgan, junto con su hermano José Luis, se convirtió en propietaria del edificio y lo convirtió en un referente de la escena de la crítica madrileña.
En 2008, Pentación Espectáculos alquiló el espacio a la actriz y empresaria, y se iniciaron las negociaciones para comprar el emblemático teatro situado en uno de los barrios más concurridos de la ciudad, punto neurálgico de la cultura y el entretenimiento.

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The essence of the theater of humor par excellence has not been lost, and this is what the Focus Group and Pentanción Espectáculos, the current managers of the theater, have wanted to maintain. Since 2010, productions such as La Asamblea de Mujeres with Lolita and Pastora Vega, ¿Quién Teme a Virginia Woolf? with Carmen Machi, Yo lo que quiero es bailar with Concha Velasco or Atchusss with Fernando Tejero and Ernesto and Malena Alterio have passed through the stage of this temple of comedy.↓ See more ↓Information and servicesHere we explain some of the services offered by the theater to its visitors:

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In 2010 Pentación and Focus take a further step in strengthening their collaboration with the creation of a joint venture, FOCUSPENTA TEATROS, S. L., owned 50% by both, and through which the consequent purchase of Teatro La Latina in Madrid is carried out, initiating its shared management.
In 2010 Pentación and Focus take a further step in strengthening their collaboration, with the creation of a joint venture, FOCUSPENTA TEATROS, S. L., owned 50% by both, and through which the consequent purchase of Teatro La Latina in Madrid is carried out, initiating its shared management.

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