Page castilla la mancha

University castilla-la mancha

After the signs of «for sale «Tolón ensures that they work to raise population in the hull and that «does not close at 8 «Enclm – October 1, 2021The hull of Toledo is filled with ironic signs of «for sale».
And not individuallyToledo: you can now buy tickets for the entire season of the RojasEnclm – 1 October 2021Until now they were on sale 15 days before and only for one play, now for all of them
IN A PLACE IN CASTILLA-LA MANCHA (and 6)What to see in Toledo: suggestions from the hand of a parakarting world championCésar del Río – 29 September 2021A magical city, where the best thing is to «get lost» in its streets and discover all its historyKnowing Cuenca with Fran Masterchef, what to visit, what to eat, his favorite place…
Get to know who the award winners areOlympians, health workers, seniors, Apothecary… The Excelentes Awards 2021Enclm – June 24, 2021Excellence achieved through talent, effort and overcoming are behind each one of the ENCLM award winners.

Castilla-la mancha government

The candidacy of García-Page had to collect, at least, endorsements from 2 percent of the militancy of the party in the region, in a process of collecting support that began on July 31.
After the collection and validation of endorsements, García-Page will be proclaimed secretary general of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha and will be officially revalidated in office at the XII regional Congress of this formation, to be held in Toledo on October 30 and 31.
García-Page has been secretary general of the Socialists of Castilla-La Mancha since February 2012 and has also been president of the Junta de Comunidades since July 2015.Follow the topics you are interested in.

Arte de castilla-la mancha

La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) es el mejor modelo de enseñanza superior e investigación de la comunidad regional. La presencia de campus universitarios en cuatro de las cinco capitales de provincia de Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Toledo), además de campus en ciudades tan importantes como Talavera de la Reina y Almadén, hacen de sus instalaciones un punto estratégico en el desarrollo urbanístico de los lugares en los que se encuentran. Cabe destacar que tanto Toledo como Cuenca están consideradas como Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. La integración de la Universidad en los espacios urbanos se ha realizado en todo momento respetando la singularidad del entorno. La ubicación del campus, en el ámbito urbano o cerrado a él, hace que la vida universitaria comparta el dinamismo de las ciudades, beneficiándose de todos los servicios que éstas pueden ofrecer.
La UCLM es una universidad moderna, internacional, competitiva y dinámica, con unos 30.000 estudiantes y 2.300 profesores e investigadores. Más allá de la preparación para el ejercicio de actividades profesionales, el compromiso institucional con la creación y transmisión de ciencia, capacidades y cultura se basa en promover el desarrollo con la excelencia como referente, prestando especial atención a valores como la solidaridad, la sostenibilidad, la eficiencia, el mérito, la capacidad, la transparencia y la igualdad.

Castile-la mancha bulletin

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has advocated that the new regional funding model should come with «stable criteria that are automatically reviewed» according to different variables that allow modulation outside of «debates or political chumminess».
The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has stated that all the autonomous communities as a whole need a «different» regional funding and does not believe that the new model should happen because the different territories «we take money from each other».
The Bureau of the Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha has decided to convene for next October 6 and 7 the debate on general policy orientation of the Governing Council, known as the Debate on the State of the Region, formally requested last week by the regional government and will feature the intervention of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page.
The Council Hall of the Archbishopric of Toledo has hosted this Monday the presentation of the second edition of the book ‘The Primates of Toledo’, which has been in charge of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, and prologue of this biographical manual, Emiliano García-Page.

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