Partido comunista pueblos de españa

Partido comunista de españa

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Communist party of the canary people

On May 11, 2009, Carmelo Suárez participated in Athens, as general secretary of the PCPE, in the presentation of a joint document of 21 communist parties of the European Union before the June 7 elections to the European Parliament,[7] to which the PCPE was running alone.
For the autonomic elections held on March 25, 2012 in Asturias and Andalusia, the PCPE also participated. On this occasion, they ran for the first time in more than two decades in all the Andalusian provinces, thanks to the creation shortly before the elections of a cell of the PCPE in Almería.[citation needed] In the Galician autonomic elections of October 21, 2012 the PCPE contested, together with the communist collective Forxa in the same candidacy, which took the name of Comunistas da Galiza (Galician Communists). [citation needed] For the elections to the Basque Parliament, however, Euskal Komunistak-PCPE only presented a candidacy in the province of Vizcaya, with the support and participation of the youth organization Gazte Komunisten Batasuna (GKB),[8] a split of Gazte Komunistak (the youth of the PCE-EPK).

Communist party of spain (marxist-leninist)

The PCPE won a deputy in 1986, when its leader Ignacio Gallego was elected deputy for Malaga on the lists of the IU. However, a part of the PCPE returned to the PCE in 1989, including in this sector an important part of militants, all its elected officials and Ignacio Gallego himself. The new PCPE was reduced to a tiny party headed by Juan Ramos Camarero, who immediately left the IU.
The PCPE is organized in Congresses where all the militants are represented. This Congress elects a Central Committee, which is the highest body of the party between Congresses. At the territorial level it has several federations, each of them headed by a Regional Committee.

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On May 11, 2009 Carmelo Suarez participated in Athens, as general secretary of the PCPE, in the presentation of a joint document of 21 communist parties of the European Union before the June 7 elections to the European Parliament,[7] to which the PCPE was running alone.
For the autonomic elections held on March 25, 2012 in Asturias and Andalusia, the PCPE also participated. On this occasion, they ran for the first time in more than two decades in all the Andalusian provinces, thanks to the creation shortly before the elections of a cell of the PCPE in Almería.[citation needed] In the Galician autonomic elections of October 21, 2012 the PCPE contested, together with the communist collective Forxa in the same candidacy, which took the name of Comunistas da Galiza (Galician Communists). [citation needed] For the elections to the Basque Parliament, however, Euskal Komunistak-PCPE only presented a candidacy in the province of Vizcaya, with the support and participation of the youth organization Gazte Komunisten Batasuna (GKB),[8] a split of Gazte Komunistak (the youth of the PCE-EPK).

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