Maria jesus montero pareja

pablo motos opens his heart to mariló montero on

Born on February 4, 1966 in Seville,[2] she is the daughter of teachers.[3] She is familiarly known as Marisu.[4] She grew up in the Sevillian neighborhood of Triana.[5] Close to the Communist Youth in her youth, she was then active in Christian grassroots movements.[6] She graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Seville. She was president of the Commission of Marginalization of the Youth Council of Andalusia between 1986 and 1988, and later secretary general of the same until 1990.
Rather than practicing medicine, her professional career has been focused on health management. She worked between 1995 and 1998 as deputy medical director for the Virgen de Valme University Hospital in Seville, then became deputy medical director and then managing director at the Virgen del Rocío University Hospital in Seville.[7][8] During her tenure as head of the Regional Ministry of Health, she was responsible for the management of the hospital’s health care system.
During her tenure at the head of the Regional Ministry of Health, new healthcare rights have been regulated, such as the second medical opinion,[15] access to preimplantation genetic diagnosis,[16] genetic counseling[17] and dignified death.[18] She has also been in charge of the Department of Health.

maría jesús montero e irene montero discrepan sobre el

En instituciones como el Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Montero trabajó posteriormente como administradora de hospitales, ocupando diversos cargos de responsabilidad a lo largo de su carrera, principalmente vinculados a la especialización de la gestión sanitaria[3].
Entre septiembre de 2002 y abril de 2004 Montero ocupó el cargo de viceconsejera de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía, tras lo cual fue nombrada titular de la Consejería de Salud, responsabilidad que desempeñó hasta mayo de 2012, fecha a partir de la cual asumió la cartera de Sanidad y Bienestar Social[5].
Durante el mandato de Montero al frente de la Consejería de Salud se regularon nuevos derechos sanitarios, como la segunda opinión médica, el acceso al diagnóstico genético preimplantacional, el consejo genético o la muerte digna[6] También bajo su dirección, Andalucía desafió la prohibición de la asistencia sanitaria gratuita a los inmigrantes sin papeles en 2012, impuesta por el Gobierno central como parte de los recortes de gasto para evitar un rescate internacional en medio de la crisis de la deuda europea[7].

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At the same time that she performs her duties as minister and spokesperson, the Andalusian must reconcile her professional responsibilities with her family life. Here we are going to talk about her more personal side so you can get to know her better.
With Rafael, a trade unionist of Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), member of Izquierda Unida in Andalusia and manager of the municipal housing company in Cordoba, where she currently resides, she married in a charter school in Triana.
His atheism and Montero’s faith meant that the wedding took place «by the Church» but not in a parish itself. It was a middle ground between the two thoughts. The exact place and date of the marriage is unknown, however. What is known is that they are separated.
Far away are the times of his youth when he lived in a «patera apartment». During her militancy in the Communist Youth she shared an apartment in which there was always a large number of people.
In her youth she was close to the Communist Youth, militating in Catholic movements of her base. After completing her basic studies she entered the University of Seville, where she holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery, as well as a master’s degree in Hospital Management from the EADA Business School.

irene montero

Pedro Sánchez’s new council of ministers is now official. A parity government in which women take a greater role.  JALEOS reviews the sentimental life of each of them to know better the new socialist members at the helm.
Fernando Grande-Marlaska is the new Minister of Interior, the first visible homosexual man to hold this position. He is married to Gorka Gómez, with whom he has lived together since 1997 and who became his husband in October 2005. He himself said in an interview that he has never wanted to hide his relationship with the Bilbao-born philologist. Together they have attended many official events such as the reception at the Royal Palace with the current King and Queen.
The socialist from Córdoba and new Minister of Equality has been married twice. In 2007 rumors of an affair with her former bodyguard were confirmed when she said so herself and, although she has not confirmed it, it seems that she married him in 2007.  Carmen Calvo (60) has a daughter from her first marriage to a high school teacher.

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