El tiempo en villaviciosa aemet

Aemet gijón

Esta predicción se genera automáticamente a partir de modelos numéricos y estadísticos de previsión meteorológica. La predicción de playas establece el estado de nubosidad para determinadas horas, las 11:00 horas oficiales como representativas de la mañana y las 17:00 horas para la tarde. También se analiza si se esperan precipitaciones en torno a estas horas, entre las 08:00 y las 14:00 de la mañana y entre las 14:00 y las 20:00 de la tarde. La generación automática puede resultar ocasionalmente, en situaciones meteorológicas especiales o en determinadas zonas geográficas, no coincidente del todo con otras predicciones realizadas por la Agencia.

Rodiles webcam

From left to right and from top to bottom: coastal panorama of Cimadevilla, the Jovellanos Theater, the Elogio del horizonte, the Casa Consistorial, the palace of Revillagigedo next to the monument to Pelayo, the Letronas in the marina and the beach of San Lorenzo.
The city is known as the «capital of the Costa Verde» and is also the capital of the maritime province of Gijón. The coastal route of the Pilgrims’ Route to Santiago de Compostela passes through the council, and it is the seat of the Advisory Council of the Principality of Asturias, the Principality of Asturias Radio and Television and the Integral Maritime Safety Center for Maritime Rescue.
Winds are sporadic and seasonal. In winter they blow preferably from the southeast, temperate and warm, due to the southward retreat of the Azores anticyclone, so that the Atlantic squalls follow a more southerly trajectory. In summer the situation is reversed, with predominantly northeasterly winds, cold and dry.
The settlement of Noega was progressively abandoned as a consequence of the foundation of the Roman fortification on the peninsula of Cimadevilla, called Gigia. This settlement became a regional center or caput ciutatis[20] and was an important strategic port on the Cantabrian sea route,[25] as well as serving as a link with the plateau through the road that, starting from Gigia, ran through the center of Asturias through Lucus Asturum and later linked, in Asturica Augusta, with the Vía de la Plata. The Roman city reached its splendor in the Lower Empire, when a powerful fortress was erected.[20] From this historical period we have the remains of the Roman baths of the Valdés field (1st to 2nd century AD), the Roman wall (3rd to 4th century) and the salted fish factory, among other archaeological finds.

Gijon weather

Symbols and precipitation apply to the interval between the times indicated, the wind and temperature forecast in Madrid is for the first hour indicated.Met Norway data, under Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0 and Creative Commons 4.0 BY International license.
* The sensation temperature is calculated with the apparent temperature formula, based on a mathematical model of an adult, walking outdoors, in the shade (Steadman 1994). Unlike other indices, wind, humidity and temperature values are used throughout the thermometric range.

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